TCRC Website Redesign & App

December 14, 2023

All TCRC Division Executives,  All TCRC Provincial Legislative Boards, All TCRC General Committees of Adjustment  & All TCRC Members.

Sisters and Brothers,

The National Executive Board authorized this office to redesign the website and have a mobile app created as an additional tool to provide information to you, the membership. The Executive Board is proud to inform you that this is now completed.

Dowload the app...

We had planned for a launch date for both products early next week but due to some miscommunication with our designers, both products are now live.

We encourage all members to look at our website and/or social media platforms for all information regarding the mobile app at the following:

  1. Website: 
  2. X (Twitter): 
  3. Facebook:
  4. Instagram: 

We look forward to utilizing these new tools to improve communication with you. Feel free to communicate likes, dislikes, and suggested improvements.

PDF copy of this letter.

In Solidarity,

Paul Boucher
Teamsters Canada Rail Conference