May 30, 2018 - Sisters and Brothers: This letter is further to our bulletin of May 29, 2018 with respect to our negotiations with the Company. Following a very long and productive night and morning we were able to achieve a tentative negotiated settlement with the Company including the Kootenay Valley Railway.
are satisfied that our issues have been addressed. The main agreement is
a four-year agreement and the KVR agreement has a five-year term. All the
details will be distributed, including the effective dates of when the
various improvements apply and, of course, subject to membership
The ratification process will include a package of final contract language to each member with instructions for a secure electronic balloting process. The final timelines have yet to be determined for the ratification process.
The respective General Committees will schedule meetings across the regions to clarify the contents and answer all members’ questions.
Attached is the return to work protocol for your guidance and information.
Thank you to each and every Member for their participation and patience throughout this process.
In Solidarity,
Dave Fulton
General Chairman - CTY West
Greg Edwards
General Chairman - LE West
Wayne Apsey
General Chairman - CTY East
John Campbell
Chairman - LE East
CC: Doug Finnson President TCRC