760 Negotiations

Latest Update

Bulletin #7 - Tentative Negotiated Settlement

April 8th 2022

All the details will be distributed in the coming days, including the effective dates of when the various improvements apply and, of course, subject to membership ratification.



Bulletin #6 - context of the collective agreement

March 26th 2022

These two days we were focused on updating, correcting any clauses that did not read as intended so as to ensure the proper meaning, context of the collective agreement language read as it should. There were quite a few changes, additions, amendments to be done.



Bulletin #5 - Outstanding Issues

February 24th 2022

Given the number of issues outstanding, and overall, how things have progressed we have advised the company that if we cannot bargain as we need to be we will then request the assistance of the Quebec Minister of Labour in accordance with the Quebec Labour Code.



Bulletin #4 - Demands

February 2nd 2022

This negotiating session included dealing maintenance, operations, and common demands which we are making slow progress on as the company continues to associate everything as a financial burden. We fully expect our next session to start dealing with our bigger demands and ensure that this meeting time is used wisely and not just a meeting, for the sake of meeting.



Bulletin #3

January 13th 2022

This negotiating session included further explanations and clarifications on certain issues from both parties and included discussions on various elements of our claims. There is still a lot of discussion to address your requests and concerns regarding all the issues under consideration.



Bulletin #2

November 23rd 2021

There continues to remain much discussion to address your demands and concerns respecting all matters at hand. Unfortunately, there is not much to report, as noted we are in the preliminary aspects of discussions in order that both parties fully understand what the demands mean etc.



Bulletin #1

October 1st 2021

As you are all aware, the open period of our contract is upon us. Accordingly, on September 30, 2021, we met with Company representatives to exchange our proposals and demands (on October 4th we will provide the Company with our “official” notice to bargain). Copies of the Union and Company proposals are attached for your information and review.