Bulletin 16

June 25, 2018 - Sisters and Brothers; This letter is further to Negotiation Bulletin #15 of May 30th, 2018 with respect to the upcoming vote on the Memorandum of Settlement. 

As you are all aware, a Memorandum of Settlement was reached May 30th, 2018. The MOS has been forwarded to all Local Chairs and if you have not yet received an electronic copy please contact your respective Local Chair for full particulars.

The Ratification Process

The respective General Committee’s are scheduling meetings across the regions to clarify the contents and answer all members’ questions and hear your comments.

The ratification process will include instructions for a secure electronic balloting process and a synopsis of the agreement with access to the full package via a link supplied on the Simply Voting web page. The final timelines are as follows;

Mailout to all members will be June 29th, 2018 with electronic voting beginning on July 9th and closing July 20th, 2018. In order to protect our rights under the code the ballot question is worded so that a no vote also authorizes another strike in the event that you decide to not ratify this MOS.

Our Bargaining Committee are unanimous in recommending that you vote YES in order to ratify this agreement. We ask that you agree and support our recommendation.

We thank everyone for their patience and understanding during this process. 

In Solidarity,

Dave Fulton
General Chairman - CTY West

Greg Edwards
General Chairman - LE West

Wayne Apsey 
General Chairman - CTY East 
John Campbell 
General Chairman - LE East

Harvey Makoski
Sr. Vice Chairman, LE West

Doug Edward
Sr. Vice Chairman, CTY West

Gary Chambers
Sr. Vice Chairman, LE East                                         

Ed Mogus
Sr. Vice Chairman, CTY East