April 26,
2018 - Dear Sisters and Brothers: This is in response to the latest
Company contract proposal and letter from Chief Executive Officer, Mr.
Keith Creel. You will be receiving this offer in the form of a mail-out
from the Canadian Industrial Relations Board shortly. The mailing list
will be scrutinized by all parties. The Board is finalizing the process
and we will provide updates as we receive them.
As you will read, we have significant concerns and objections with the Company’s last offer. Our legal counsel has written to CP’s counsel to outline the issues and inform the Company of our rights including the right to pursue the appropriate applications/complaints to the Board or under the Collective Agreement and the right to take appropriate positions on the legality and the consequences of the purported grievance resolves. If the Company responds, we will inform you accordingly.
This proposal from the Company is the first time they have moved even slightly from their original bargaining demands and while we appreciate that, this offer remains inadequate for many reasons, some of which we will explain below.